Alongside my performance and writing work, I'm also heavily involved in Music Education. As a Jazz educator, I work for the Hertfordshire Music Service as Musical Director of the St Albans Music School Jazz Collective and as a Musical Director of the Hertfordshire Youth Jazz Ensemble. With these groups I have assisted in delivering Jazz workshops alongside the National Youth Jazz Orchestra and the National Youth Jazz Collective. I also work with slightly older students as the Musical Director of the University of Hertforshire Big Band.
OK, that's the credentials out of the way. Now let's get into how I can help you make Music...
I have a roster of private students and One to One Trumpet lessons are available for all ages and abilities on Trumpet, Cornet & Flugelhorn. If you think you might like a lesson then click here to find out more about Trumpet lessons.
Whatever you want to call it, these are just about my favourite thing to do! I'll come and deliver a Jazz session to your band. I'll bring the charts (which you can keep) and myself, you assemble your band and find us a space and we are pretty much there. We can even do a gig together if you like? To find out a bit more and to sort out the logistics please click here

If you are a Trumpet player looking to learn Jazz then you probably want option 1, however if you play other instruments such as Sax, Trombone, Clarinet or Guitar then we can still work on stuff together even though we play different instruments. In fact it can even be liberating to learn with someone who plays a different instrument (I know, I've done it!), as we won't get sidetracked by technical things, we just focus on digesting and executing Jazz language. To find out some more click here
Want to learn how to arrange in a Big Band? No Problem. I am available to help you with all aspects of Jazz arranging and composition, whether its a hobby, for a competition, assignment or even your GCSE/A-Level compositions. The great thing about these lessons is we don't have to be in the same room, at the same time or even on the same continent! We can do this completely online. Why not book an online consultation about your work? Find out how